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Add:NO.29.Huancheng East RD.,Liushi,Yueqing,Zhejiang,China 325604

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600/1000V PVC/STA/PVC Power Cables

- 0.6/1 kv PVC Insulated and Sheathed,
- Steel Tape Armoured Low Voltage Power cables
¡ñSingle Core
¡̣Rated voltage:600/1000V
¡̣Conductor:BS 6360 Class 2,stranded copper or Aluminum(IEC 60228)
¡̣Insulation:BS 6746 TI 1 PVC Compound
¡̣Insulation Color:Standard
¡̣Armouring:Double layer galvanized steel tape
¡̣Sheath(Jacket):BS 6746 TM1 PVC Compound
¡̣Operating temperature:70¡æ
¡̣Min bending radius:15¡Áoverall insulated diameter
¡̣Standard:BS 6346 and IEC 60502
Nominal Cross Section(mm2) Insulation Thickness(mm) Thickness of Steel Tape(mm) Over Sheath Thickness(mm) Overall Diameter of Cable(mm) Mass of Cable(Kg/Km) Max Resistance of Conductor at 20¡æ(Ohm/Km)
Copper Aluminum Copper Aluminum
1¡Á10 1.0 2¡Á0.2 1.8 13.6 348.0 265.0 1.83 3.08
1¡Á16 1.0 2¡Á0.2 1.8 14.6 432.0 331.0 1.15 1.91
1¡Á25 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 16.4 574.0 415.0 0.727 1.20
1¡Á35 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 17.5 699.0 478.0 0.524 0.868
1¡Á50 1.4 2¡Á0.2 1.8 19.3 870.0 569.0 0.387 0.641
1¡Á70 1.4 2¡Á0.2 1.8 21.1 1118.0 685.0 0.268 0.443
1¡Á95 1.6 2¡Á0.2 1.8 23.4 1444.0 844.0 0.193 0.320
1¡Á120 1.6 2¡Á0.2 1.8 25.0 1719.0 960.0 0.153 0.253
1¡Á150 1.8 2¡Á0.2 1.8 27.0 2046.0 1113.0 0.124 0.206
1¡Á185 2.0 2¡Á0.2 1.8 30.7 2672.0 1503.0 0.0991 0.164
1¡Á240 2.2 2¡Á0.2 1.9 33.3 3353.0 1816.0 0.0754 0.125
1¡Á300 2.4 2¡Á0.5 2.0 36.4 4072.0 2145.0 0.0601 0.100
1¡Á400 2.6 2¡Á0.5 2.1 40.1 5033.0 2570.0 0.0470 0.0778
1¡Á500 2.8 2¡Á0.5 2.2 44.1 6277.0 3099.0 0.0366 0.0605
1¡Á630 2.8 2¡Á0.5 2.5 48.7 7746.0 3674.0 0.0283 0.0469
- 0.6/1 kv PVC Insulated and Sheathed,
- Steel Tape Armoured Low Voltage Power cables
¡ñTwo Core
¡̣Rated voltage:600/1000V
¡̣Conductor:BS 6360 Class 2,stranded copper or Aluminum(IEC 60228)
¡̣Insulation:BS 6746 TI 1 PVC Compound
¡̣Insulation Color:Standard
¡̣Armouring:Double layer galvanized steel tape
¡̣Sheath(Jacket):BS 6746 TM1 PVC Compound
¡̣Operating temperature:70¡æ
¡̣Min bending radius:15¡Áoverall insulated diameter
¡̣Standard:BS 6346 and IEC 60502
Nominal Cross Section(mm2) Insulation Thickness(mm) Thickness of Inner sheath(mm) Diameter of Armoured Steel Wire(mm) Over Sheath Thickness(mm) Overall Diameter of Cable(mm) Mass of Cable(Kg/Km) Max Resistance of Conductor at 20¡æ(Ohm/Km)
Conductor material Conductor material
Copper Aluminum Copper Aluminum
2¡Á4 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 13.1 210.0 160.0 4.61 7.41
2¡Á6 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 14.1 264.0 192.0 3.08 4.61
2¡Á10 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 16.7 393.0 242.0 1.83 3.08
2¡Á16 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 18.8 541.0 334.0 1.15 1.91
2¡Á25 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 22.2 794.0 469.0 0.727 1.20
2¡Á35 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 24.5 1037.0 585.0 0.524 0.868
2¡Á50 1.4 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 21.8 1227.0 610.0 0.387 0.641
2¡Á70 1.4 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 24.7 1650.0 747.0 0.268 0.443
2¡Á95 1.6 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.0 29.2 2213.0 988.0 0.193 0.320
2¡Á120 1.6 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.1 31.3 2733.0 1186.0 0.153 0.253
2¡Á150 1.8 1.4 2¡Á0.2 2.2 34.7 3396.0 1462.0 0.124 0.206
2¡Á185 2.0 1.4 2¡Á0.5 2.4 39.2 4112.0 1726.0 0.0991 0.164
- 0.6/1 kv PVC Insulated and Sheathed,
- Steel Tape Armoured Low Voltage Power cables
¡ñThree Core
¡̣Rated voltage:600/1000V
¡̣Conductor:BS 6360 Class 2,stranded copper or Aluminum(IEC 60228)
¡̣Insulation:BS 6746 TI 1 PVC Compound
¡̣Insulation Color:Standard
¡̣Armouring:Double layer galvanized steel tape
¡̣Sheath(Jacket):BS 6746 TM1 PVC Compound
¡̣Operating temperature:70¡æ
¡̣Min bending radius:15¡Áoverall insulated diameter
¡̣Standard:BS 6346 and IEC 60502
Nominal Cross Section(mm2) Insulation Thickness(mm) Thickness of Inner sheath(mm) Diameter of Armoured Steel Wire(mm) Over Sheath Thickness(mm) Overall Diameter of Cable(mm) Mass of Cable(Kg/Km) Max Resistance of Conductor at 20¡æ(Ohm/Km)
Conductor material Conductor material
Copper Aluminum Copper Aluminum
3¡Á4 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 17.3 489.0 414.0 4.61 7.41
3¡Á6 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 18.4 577.0 472.0 3.08 4.61
3¡Á10 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 21.2 800.0 559.0 1.83 3.08
3¡Á16 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 23.5 1050.0 740.0 1.15 1.91
3¡Á25 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 27.2 1465.0 976.0 0.727 1.20
3¡Á35 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.9 30.7 2149.0 1372.0 0.524 0.868
3¡Á50 1.4 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.0 31.3 2453.0 1486.0 0.387 0.641
3¡Á70 1.4 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.1 33.6 3116.0 1763.0 0.268 0.443
3¡Á95 1.6 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.2 38.3 4053.0 2216.0 0.193 0.320
3¡Á120 1.6 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.3 41.9 4930.0 2609.0 0.153 0.253
3¡Á150 1.8 1.4 2¡Á0.2 2.5 47.1 6075.0 3174.0 0.124 0.206
3¡Á185 2.0 1.4 2¡Á0.5 2.6 50.9 7299.0 3721.0 0.0991 0.164
3¡Á240 2.2 1.6 2¡Á0.5 2.8 57.0 9213.0 4590.0 0.0754 0.125
3¡Á300 2.4 1.8 2¡Á0.5 3.0 61.1 11185.0 5438.0 0.0601 0.100
- 0.6/1 kv PVC Insulated and Sheathed,
- Steel Tape Armoured Low Voltage Power cables
¡ñFour Core
¡̣Rated voltage:600/1000V
¡̣Conductor:BS 6360 Class 2,stranded copper or Aluminum(IEC 60228)
¡̣Insulation:BS 6746 TI 1 PVC Compound
¡̣Insulation Color:Standard
¡̣Armouring:Double layer galvanized steel tape
¡̣Sheath(Jacket):BS 6746 TM1 PVC Compound
¡̣Operating temperature:70¡æ
¡̣Min bending radius:15¡Áoverall insulated diameter
¡̣Standard:BS 6346 and IEC 60502
Nominal Cross Section(mm2) Insulation Thickness(mm) Thickness of Inner sheath(mm) Diameter of Armoured Steel Wire(mm) Over Sheath Thickness(mm) Overall Diameter of Cable(mm) Mass of Cable(Kg/Km) Max Resistance of Conductor at 20¡æ(Ohm/Km)
Conductor material Conductor material
Copper Aluminum Copper Aluminum
4¡Á4 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 17.0 555 459 4.61 7.41
4¡Á6 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 18.4 668 536 3.08 4.61
4¡Á10 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 20.2 928 672 1.83 3.08
4¡Á16 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 22.7 1218 823 1.15 1.91
4¡Á25 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 26.5 1661 1040 0.727 1.20
4¡Á35 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.9 29.4 2108 1238 0.524 0.868
4¡Á50 1.4 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.9 30.7 3061 1820 0.387 0.641
4¡Á70 1.4 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.9 35.8 4016 2277 0.268 0.443
4¡Á95 1.6 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.0 41.1 5196 2873 0.193 0.320
4¡Á120 1.6 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.1 44.8 6240 3259 0.153 0.253
4¡Á150 1.8 1.4 2¡Á0.5 2.6 53.7 7708 3983 0.124 0.206
4¡Á185 2.0 1.6 2¡Á0.5 2.8 58.9 9542 4772 0.0991 0.164
4¡Á240 2.2 1.8 2¡Á0.5 3.0 61.0 11916 5727 0.0754 0.125
4¡Á300 2.4 1.8 2¡Á0.5 3.3 66.2 14501 6767 0.0601 0.100
- 0.6/1 kv PVC Insulated and Sheathed,
- Steel Tape Armoured Low Voltage Power cables
¡ñFive Core
¡̣Rated voltage:600/1000V
¡̣Conductor:BS 6360 Class 2,stranded copper or Aluminum(IEC 60228)
¡̣Insulation:BS 6746 TI 1 PVC Compound
¡̣Insulation Color:Standard
¡̣Armouring:Double layer galvanized steel tape
¡̣Sheath(Jacket):BS 6746 TM1 PVC Compound
¡̣Operating temperature:70¡æ
¡̣Min bending radius:15¡Áoverall insulated diameter
¡̣Standard:BS 6346 and IEC 60502
Nominal Cross Section(mm2) Insulation Thickness(mm) Thickness of Inner sheath(mm) Thickness of Steel Tape(mm) Over Sheath Thickness(mm) Overall Diameter of Cable(mm) Mass of Cable(Kg/Km) Max Resistance of Conductor at 20¡æ(Ohm/Km)
Conductor material Conductor material
Copper Aluminum Copper Aluminum
5¡Á2.5 0.8 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 17.3 488 409 7.41 12.4
5¡Á4 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 19.7 644 518 4.61 7.41
5¡Á6 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 21.3 790 605 3.08 4.61
5¡Á10 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 24.6 1110 779 1.83 3.08
5¡Á16 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 27.4 1485 970 1.15 1.91
5¡Á25 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.0 33.3 2339 1525 0.727 1.20
5¡Á35 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.5 2.1 36.6 2953 1822 0.524 0.868
5¡Á50 1.4 1.2 2¡Á0.5 2.3 41.6 3975 2392 0.387 0.641
5¡Á70 1.4 1.2 2¡Á0.5 2.45125 2909 0.268 0.443
5¡Á95 1.6 1.2 2¡Á0.5 2.6 52.1 6798 3790 0.193 0.320
5¡Á120 1.6 1.6 2¡Á0.5 2.8 57.3 8217 4418 0.153 0.253
5¡Á150 1.8 1.6 2¡Á0.5 3.0 63.1 10030 5280 0.124 0.206
5¡Á185 2.0 1.8 2¡Á0.5 3.2 69.9 12275 6418 0.0991 0.164
5¡Á240 2.2 2.0 2¡Á0.5 3.5 77.1 15077 7343 0.0754 0.125
5¡Á300 2.4 2.0 2¡Á0.5 3.8 86.5 19395 9726 0.0601 0.100
- 0.6/1 kv PVC Insulated and Sheathed,
- Steel Tape Armoured Low Voltage Power cables
¡ñThree core + one reduced core
¡̣Rated voltage:600/1000V
¡̣Conductor:BS 6360 Class 2,stranded copper or Aluminum(IEC 60228)
¡̣Insulation:BS 6746 TI 1 PVC Compound
¡̣Insulation Color:Standard
¡̣Armouring:Double layer galvanized steel tape
¡̣Sheath(Jacket):BS 6746 TM1 PVC Compound
¡̣Operating temperature:70¡æ
¡̣Min bending radius:15¡Áoverall insulated diameter
¡̣Standard:BS 6346 and IEC 60502
Nominal Cross Section(mm2) Insulation Thickness(mm) Thickness of Inner sheath(mm) Thickness of Steel Tape(mm) Over Sheath Thickness(mm) Overall Diameter of Cable(mm) Mass of Cable(Kg/Km) Max Resistance of Conductor at 20¡æ(Ohm/Km)
Conductor material Conductor material
Copper Aluminum Copper Aluminum
3¡Á4+1¡Á2.5 1.0 0.8 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 14.3 538.0 446.0 4.61 7.41 7.41 12.1
3¡Á6+1¡Á4 1.0 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 15.8 657.0 524.0 3.08 4.61 4.61 7.41
3¡Á10+1¡Á6 1.0 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 18.5 894.0 619.0 1.83 3.08 3.08 4.61
3¡Á16+1¡Á10 1.0 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 21.1 1194.0 804.0 1.15 1.83 1.91 3.08
3¡Á25+1¡Á16 1.2 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 24.9 1668.0 1072.0 0.727 1.15 1.20 1.91
3¡Á35+1¡Á16 1.2 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 27.1 2243.0 1458.0 0.524 1.15 0.868 1.91
3¡Á50+1¡Á25 1.4 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.0 30.4 2852.0 1723.0 0.387 0.727 0.641 1.20
3¡Á70+1¡Á35 1.4 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.5 2.1 33.9 3657.0 2077.0 0.268 0.524 0.443 0.868
3¡Á95+1¡Á50 1.6 1.4 1.2 2¡Á0.5 2.3 39.5 4796.0 2636.0 0.193 0.387 0.320 0.641
3¡Á120+1¡Á70 1.6 1.4 1.4 2¡Á0.5 2.4 44.0 5912.0 3139.0 0.153 0.268 0.253 0.443
3¡Á150+1¡Á70 1.8 1.4 1.4 2¡Á0.5 2.5 48.5 7025.0 3673.0 0.124 0.268 0.206 0.443
3¡Á185+1¡Á95 2.0 1.6 1.6 2¡Á0.5 2.7 53.3 8598.0 4408.0 0.0991 0.193 0.164 0.320
3¡Á240+1¡Á120 2.2 1.6 1.6 2¡Á0.5 2.9 55.0 10631.0 5216.0 0.0754 0.153 0.125 0.253
3¡Á300+1¡Á150 2.4 1.8 1.8 2¡Á0.5 3.1 59.8 12913.0 6145.0 0.0601 0.124 0.100 0.206
- 0.6/1 kv PVC Insulated and Sheathed,
- Steel Tape Armoured Low Voltage Power cables
¡ñThree core + Two reduced core
¡̣Rated voltage:600/1000V
¡̣Conductor:BS 6360 Class 2,stranded copper or Aluminum(IEC 60228)
¡̣Insulation:BS 6746 TI 1 PVC Compound
¡̣Insulation Color:Standard
¡̣Armouring:Double layer galvanized steel tape
¡̣Sheath(Jacket):BS 6746 TM1 PVC Compound
¡̣Operating temperature:70¡æ
¡̣Min bending radius:15¡Áoverall insulated diameter
¡̣Standard:BS 6346 and IEC 60502
Nominal Cross Section(mm2) Insulation Thickness(mm) Thickness of Inner sheath(mm) Thickness of Steel Tape(mm) Over Sheath Thickness(mm) Overall Diameter of Cable(mm) Mass of Cable(Kg/Km) Max Resistance of Conductor at 20¡æ(Ohm/Km)
Conductor material Conductor material
Copper Aluminum Copper Aluminum
3¡Á4+2¡Á2.5 1.0 0.8 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 18.8 580.0 491.0 4.61 7.41 7.41 12.1
3¡Á6+2¡Á4 1.0 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 20.8 728.0 570.0 3.08 4.61 4.61 7.41
3¡Á10+2¡Á6 1.0 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 23.3 973.0 702.0 1.83 3.08 3.08 4.61
3¡Á16+2¡Á10 1.0 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 26.3 1323.0 853.0 1.15 1.83 1.91 3.08
3¡Á25+2¡Á16 1.2 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.0 31.5 2053.0 1287.0 0.727 1.15 1.20 1.91
3¡Á35+2¡Á16 1.2 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 2.0 33.6 2406.0 1402.0 0.524 1.15 0.868 1.91
3¡Á50+2¡Á25 1.4 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.5 2.2 38.4 3371.0 2080.0 0.387 0.727 0.641 1.20
3¡Á70+2¡Á35 1.4 1.2 1.4 2¡Á0.5 2.3 42.6 4350.0 2542.0 0.268 0.524 0.443 0.868
3¡Á95+2¡Á50 1.6 1.4 1.4 2¡Á0.5 2.5 48.5 5736.0 3248.0 0.193 0.387 0.320 0.641
3¡Á120+2¡Á70 1.6 1.4 1.6 2¡Á0.5 2.7 53.4 7126.0 3897.0 0.153 0.268 0.253 0.443
3¡Á150+2¡Á70 1.8 1.4 1.6 2¡Á0.5 2.8 57.5 8249.0 4438.0 0.124 0.268 0.206 0.443
3¡Á185+2¡Á95 2.0 1.6 1.8 2¡Á0.5 3.0 63.9 10254.0 5441.0 0.0991 0.193 0.164 0.320
3¡Á240+2¡Á120 2.2 1.6 1.8 2¡Á0.5 3.3 71.4 12888.0 6689.0 0.0754 0.153 0.125 0.253
3¡Á300+2¡Á150 2.4 1.8 2.0 2¡Á0.5 3.5 77.3 14843.0 7334.0 0.0601 0.124 0.100 0.206
- 0.6/1 kv PVC Insulated and Sheathed,
- Steel Tape Armoured Low Voltage Power cables
¡ñFour core + One reduced core
¡̣Rated voltage:600/1000V
¡̣Conductor:BS 6360 Class 2,stranded copper or Aluminum(IEC 60228)
¡̣Insulation:BS 6746 TI 1 PVC Compound
¡̣Insulation Color:Standard
¡̣Armouring:Double layer galvanized steel tape
¡̣Sheath(Jacket):BS 6746 TM1 PVC Compound
¡̣Operating temperature:70¡æ
¡̣Min bending radius:15¡Áoverall insulated diameter
¡̣Standard:BS 6346 and IEC 60502
Nominal Cross Section(mm2) Insulation Thickness(mm) Thickness of Inner sheath(mm) Thickness of Steel Tape(mm) Over Sheath Thickness(mm) Overall Diameter of Cable(mm) Mass of Cable(Kg/Km) Max Resistance of Conductor at 20¡æ(Ohm/Km)
Conductor material Conductor material
Copper Aluminum Copper Aluminum
4¡Á4+1¡Á2.5 1.0 0.8 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 19.2 605.0 498.0 4.61 7.41 7.41 12.1
4¡Á6+1¡Á4 1.0 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 20.8 765.0 589.0 3.08 4.61 4.61 7.41
4¡Á10+1¡Á6 1.0 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 23.9 1052.0 756.0 1.83 3.08 3.08 4.61
4¡Á16+1¡Á10 1.0 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 26.9 1482.0 952.0 1.15 1.83 1.91 3.08
4¡Á25+1¡Á16 1.2 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.2 1.8 32.4 2312.0 1477.0 0.727 1.15 1.20 1.91
4¡Á35+1¡Á16 1.2 1.0 1.2 2¡Á0.5 2.1 35.1 2756.0 1731.0 0.524 1.15 0.868 1.91
4¡Á50+1¡Á25 1.4 1.2 1.2 2¡Á0.5 2.2 39.7 3680.0 1727.0 0.387 0.727 0.641 1.20
4¡Á70+1¡Á35 1.4 1.2 1.4 2¡Á0.5 2.4 44.0 4768.0 2734.0 0.268 0.524 0.443 0.868
4¡Á95+1¡Á50 1.6 1.4 1.4 2¡Á0.5 2.6 50.2 6267.0 3491.0 0.193 0.387 0.320 0.641
4¡Á120+1¡Á70 1.6 1.4 1.6 2¡Á0.5 2.7 55.1 7689.0 4145.0 0.153 0.268 0.253 0.443
4¡Á150+1¡Á70 1.8 1.4 1.6 2¡Á0.5 2.9 59.9 9216.0 4882.0 0.124 0.268 0.206 0.443
4¡Á185+1¡Á95 2.0 1.6 1.8 2¡Á0.5 3.1 66.5 11293.0 5899.0 0.0991 0.193 0.164 0.320
4¡Á240+1¡Á120 2.2 1.6 1.8 2¡Á0.5 3.4 74.3 14371.0 7395.0 0.0754 0.153 0.125 0.253
4¡Á300+1¡Á150 2.4 1.8 2.0 2¡Á0.5 3.6 81.9 17385.0 9016.0 0.0601 0.124 0.100 0.206